Saturday, July 14, 2012

Housing Project... Hmmm that doesn't sound right...

I am working on the Vespa VNB and trying to resolve cabling issues. I saw that the housing for the throttle cable was in pretty crap condition. I knew there were some new cabling housings in the box of parts they came with it so I got one out to see how I was going to thread it through the body and up and out the headstock.

I dug out a long coil of regular wound 1/16th cable from a previous project. Then I pulled the original throttle cable all the way out of the housing and set it aside. 

I started with a cable stop. I threaded the cable through and let it slide loose. Next I ran the cable through the new housing and then up through the original worn housing. 

The idea was to pull the original cable out the top of the headset while pulling the new cable housing behind it in to place. I tightened the cable stop just below the bottom end of the new cable housing. Keeping a firm pressure on the cable out the top, I pulled the old cable housing out of the headstock and with a little of the old back and forth, pulled the new housing right into place. 

The new cable housing pulled through along the same path as the old and popped right out into place. I pulled the long cable back out of the housing and was able to push the new cable up from the carburetor through the new housing. 

Here's the new cable poking through and I now have a new issue to figure out. I needed a proper stop on the end of the cable for it to work with the throttle handle. 

You can see the open ended cable pointing towards the camera. To the left is a short arm connected to the throttle tube/handle. The cable stop fits into the circular hole and is pulled as the tube turns clockwise. The cable stop needs to be very robust to deal with the forces exerted on it every time the throttle is turned. 

I'll show you my solution to that in the next post. I had one giant post going but decided housing replacement and adding a cable stop were two different jobs so I split it up. I will have that up soon. probably tomorrow.

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