Saturday, July 14, 2012

Piece of Shit Chinese Carburetor - UPDATE: Settle down, Beavis...

After several hours of working on the cabling on the VNB, I FINALLY had it to the point where I could try and fire it up. I kicked it over a couple of times and then remembered I had not yet turned on the fuel supply. I turned the lever over and watched the fuel come down through the new transparent fuel hose and then down into the transparent plastic bowl. Then out the overflow and onto the ground. The float failed and sank. USELESS.

I am going to rebuild the original Del Lorto carburetor and put this thing back together as Enrico Piaggio intended!!

UPDATE: I was pretty bent after spending all day on this. Every day I learn a little more the incredible scope of what I don't know. First of all, this is an OKO carburetor which is Taiwanese not Chinese. (I hope no one thinks I am trying to be racist. I'm just ignorant from afar.) It is supposed to be a reputable brand although the thin brass on the fitting seemed real cheap. I found a replacement float online and to be honest have not examined the float to determine why it isn't floating. (it's called a FLOAT! Why wouldn't I expect it to FLOAT? ) I like the design of the carburetor. I like the clear plastic bowl and the easy access to the jets through the bottom. I like the slide machanism. There is some thought behind this thing.

I still have a concern about the throttle cable clearance under the engine cowl. In the long run, the aftermarket carburetor might not work for the scooter simply for just not fitting. Maybe I'll just stick it in something else.

1 comment:

  1. These days, China is happy for you to relate Taiwan to itself as a generalization. Not so sure that runs the other way around.
