Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another Spree, Another Elite

I got a deal on a Honda Spree and a Honda Elite 80. The Spree is to added to a pool of them being gathered for a little Spree racing league. That new one and my other one were delivered today and will soon be little monsters. I can't wait.

The Elite on the other hand I just picked up since the guy wanted to get rid of them both. I am a fan of the Elite line of scooters. I'll say it again, Honda makes great engines. This one is a 4 stroke 80cc engine. Honda sold pretty much the same Elite 80 model for about 23 years. I see a bunch of them out on the road.

This one had been sitting for awhile and the inside of the carburetor certainly shows what can happen when a scooter sits too long. The rusty material was mostly residue and cleaned out fairly easily, but the crust on the jet side appears to be some sort of oxidation. I have these pieces (and most of the rest of the carb) soaking in Marvel Mystery Oil overnight and will see how they clean up in the morning. I will take some fine sandpaper and/or a file to it to see if I can smooth it out some.

I went out and met Scooter Steve in person today and we seemed to hit it off right away. I was very impressed with the contents of his shop. So many scooters and I can only ride one at a time! We went for a short ride on a pair of Kymco People 50s and I am easily reminded how fun it is to ride with other people.

Here's the Elite 80. It's not leaking, It's just wet from being hosed off.

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