Thursday, July 12, 2012

Vespa Engine Stand

I needed an engine stand and being the handy sort of person with tools and scrap wood lying around, I couldn't bring myself to buy one of those fancy $175 welded jobs. I built this one in about an hour. It might have taken me less time if I hadn't stopped in the middle to fix a friend's paper shredder. 

On this end, the front leg is shorter to allow the crossmember and therefore the weight of the engine to rest on it. I had to file the hole in the aluminum piece because I couldn't find a 5/16 or 1/2" drill bit. Probably time to go buy a new set of bits.

The engine wants to lean towards the flywheel side so I added the little metal bracket on the right to hold it tight in place. 

This is the shock absorber mount side of the stand. I had to cut the chunk off the left side to accommodate the rear brake lever. Gravity holds it down and the bolt prevents any lateral movement.

This stand is very stable and holds the engine well in place. There was no cost for the scrap materials I had lying around. The engine for the Vespa Super 150 I am painting is sitting lopsided on a table so I may go build another one of these. I bet the second one looks nicer!

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